Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ah, no uni today...

This medicine degree, in terms of contact hours (i.e. hours spent at uni or hospital), is pretty easy-going, when I think about it. Contrary to popular belief, we have close to 1 and a half days off - Tuesday is my clinical day (1.5 hours, so that counts as half), and Thursday is my 'off' day. It's kind of pleasant to have all this time to manage yourself, although it presents a great danger in that I more-or-less don't fully utilise this time off. Although I love this self-directed style of learning, because I never really was the kind that did well with 'spoon-feeding' (I think that's a pretty derogatory name for rote-learning, but anyhow), the week always ends up with Thursday being used for half-playing and half-studying, whilst the rest of the week was mostly unremarkable in terms of productivity. From my fellow cohorts collective responses, it seems like this is the case with more than just a few people as well, so I wonder how our time could be best utilised...
So this week we're dealing with starvation (more specifically, a 40 day fast due to being caught in a blizzard 4000m above sea level in Nepal) and I've got a heck of a lot to do, hence I'll be off now.

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