Thursday, November 26, 2009

And back to work again...?

On Tuesday I had my first meeting with my SSRS project co-ordinator/supervisor; I finally found out what my project was actually about (although the title "Perivascular Pain" was, in the end, a surprisingly good summary for the project) - essentially investigating a cause for migraine, more specifically a hypothesis regarding how nerves suddenly activate themselves to send pain signals during a migraine attack. It got me pretty fired up - I was reading a few papers he gave me, and it seems that there hasn't really been a breakthrough in understanding migraines for the last...15 or so years (papers dated from 1994-2004, no difference). I'm supposed to do some 'light' reading so that I can understand the project better, and I really want to, but once again, procrastination calls, especially since it's the holidays and (rightfully) I feel like doing absolutely nothing (constructive). Had quite a few friends come over since the start of the hols, they're all from high school so I haven't seen them for a while. For some reason though, my parents are still annoyed at me playing computer games. During. The. Holidays. WHY? WHYYYYY....
Anyway, MedBALL is tomorrow! It's a ball (i.e. formal/dance thing, not a round thing you kick) organised by our awesome UWS Med Society, with the theme 'masquerade'. I went to Lincraft (craft store) of my own accord for the first time ever; bought some cloth, and devoted yesterday night to stitching, and periodically poking myself with the needle. I think I'm getting quite good at threading the eye (of the needle) - a very useful skill to please elderly people :) Now all I need is a way to get to the venue...and what to eat for dinner. Big thoughts.

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