Monday, June 8, 2009


Less than...18 hours until exams start! Wooo............
By the time yesterday rolled into view, and I was thoroughly sick of studying, having crammed my brains out. So I decided to go on a word-count spree, just to make myself feel good.
Turns out that over the week I had accumulated 20,000 words of personal, self-typed summaries. I felt proud that my notes over a week were approaching a PhD thesis length, and also made me realise that the length of a PhD thesis had nothing to do with the actual amount of work done over the three or so years to reach it.
So today was supposed to be the ultimate final revision day. And it sort of was. A small group excursion to Parramatta Library for study purposes revealed a few very important points:

1) All local libraries are closed on public holidays. Including the State Libraries, but excluding University Libraries (as of 1st July 2009).
2) One small coffee (between the 5 of us) was not enough to stay in Gloria Jeans for very long.
3) Parramatta Library, however, has a very useful outdoor table which we did use for study.
4) Despite the best intentions of the group, and despite one person trying vainly to stay on track, and despite everyone participating, half the study time was lost talking about games, what we were to do in the holidays, and miscellaneous topics of discussion (such as Twilight)

So remains the last few hours available for intense exam cramming; I'll be back on Thursday to debrief the exam. But for now, PPD, Statistics, Immunology, Diabetes Mellitus and other Lecture revisions beckon. Toodles.


  1. How did you find the exocytosis question?

  2. terrible. ran out of time and i was doing questions where i was sure i could answer them; so i left it blank. heh..

  3. Knew I'd read this somewhere....

    For the record as of 1st july this year, state library is closed public holidays too now :(
