Saturday, October 10, 2009

Panic! At The Med School

So, uh, only 4 weeks until final exams. AHHHHHHHHHHHH
Well it seems everyone else is coping pretty well, no outward signs of panic yet - at least, from what I can tell (which isn't much). I've started to go head-down, doing summaries and generally trying to be constructive whilst avoiding the unconstructive-but-is-still-med some flash game where you try to kill the whole world via a mutating disease. Yep, unconstructive they certainly are, heh.
This week seemed to be a real bludge; I'm sure many of us tried to use it for good though. Friday was a pain though - a day that was scheduled to end at4pm actually ended at 10am after two lectures; we had a practical that was cancelled (spanning 5 hours since there were 2 groups and an hour break inbetween), and half an hour before the last lecture was to start, we were notified it was cancelled (most probably due to the majority of students not being bothered to stay at uni for one lecture), and so we went home at about 3pm.
This week was also EBM week - Evidence Based Medicine (looking at types of studies, critical analysis of those studies); mainly because the EBM group assignment was due on Friday. Group assignments simply do not work, especially in as large groups as PBL groups (10-11 people). Thankfully, I'm in a PBL that was well organised and where everyone pitched in, but the story was not so rosy for a few other groups, as you would predict. Perhaps an issue for our new Dean to address?
Speaking of our new Dean, we first-years were treated to the Dean crashing half of a PPD lecture. I had never, ever heard the lecture hall so enthralled by our PPD lecturer (who is super awesome anyway, but students will talk when given the chance to) - and on a lecture about the Medical Practice Act, no less. Of course, that façade vanished once our Dean left the building; but, still.
3 more PBL cases to go, 3 weeks until the end of first year. Boy has this year passed - just like that *snaps fingers*

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