Friday, July 24, 2009


My textbooks arrived! Actually it arrived yesterday, but no-one was home so they re-attempted today. So I purchased 3 books from an Indian distributor on, at the cost of AU$160 including shipping, via FedEx. They were Rang & Dales Pharmacology 6th, Netter's Atlas of Anatomy 4th, and Boron & Boulpaep's Medical Physiology 2nd Ed - two softcovers and one (the Boron) hardcover. Being the hardcover, Boron's cost about half of the total bill, but there appears to be no softcover version of the textbook.
On first inspection, it appears that I got the cosmetic-damaged goods. The corners are either bent (on the Boron hardcover) or slightly damaged (softcovers); the softcover spines are a bit damaged on the bottom. I'm not very sure whether this is the case for all retailers, and when I purchase more books in the future, I'll be sure to compare experiences.
One thing I noted was that although the Netters and Boron were labelled "International Edition", the Rang and Dales wasn't. As a result, the Rang and Dales also came with a StudentConsult code, which was surprising - I wonder whether it was a mistake or if the Rang and Dales doesn't have an international edition...
The paper is of excellent quality, and in full-colour. So I think they're quite genuine (the Boron is printed in Canada), just subsidised for their target market (desperate med students from developed countries trying to save as much moolah as possible). Netter's atlas looks brilliantly vibrant, and from this, I'm generally quite happy with this purchase. The local editions of these books would be about AU$400, so there's a saving of about 2.5 times (after considering postage); the drawbacks are the cosmetic dings and the International Edition labelling.

In other news, I think HP6 doesn't deserve the bad beating its getting from some members of the public. It's a bold move to not contain an epic battle scene; certainly a departure from the norm. I was chuckling a fair bit during the movie too, twas nice to escape the general darkness of the film. But in short, yes it does depart from the book, no you shouldn't avoid it at all costs, but yes you may want to consider your expectations before watching.

1 comment:

  1. Hey mate, I'm a first year med student from UNSW! It's great to know that there are other med students out there that are blogging their experiences! It's a shame that I didn't find your blog sooner, i spent a small fortune on my textbooks, and feel like shit for doing so in hindsight. How's Boron's physiology? We're using Guyton and Hall's. Anyway, have fun in med!
